Poems From Mars is the debut album from Brighton based heavy grunge band Torrid (A Love Affair).
This collection of tracks is an exploration of relationships - with partners, parents, even ourselves. Poems From Mars represents all aspects of the bands life, from their careers, abilities, and disabilities, to their ridiculous sense of humour! Most importantly to ensure a message of emotional strength and resilience, that despite life's challenges we still have each other. And you!
Each track has its own beautiful unique artwork created by local artists and available to download with every purchase. These amazing images are also printed in the CD Booklet, along with lyrics.
With Grunge and Stoner rock influences from Seether, Queens Of The Stone Age and Alice In Chains, Torrid (A Love Affair) write melodic, heavy, and hook filled songs that are punctuated with 3 part harmonies and packed full of emotive, semi-autobiographical themes.
Lyrically their impressive catalogue looks at the way people love, hate, and see themselves and others covering topics such as personal relationships, bullying, and self-reflection.
You can find out more about the album as we go track by track with the band on The Inner Sleeve podcast here.