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Out NOW! Letters To Sonny Vol. 1

Letters To Sonny Vol.1 is our first charity compilation album, featuring 18 tracks by a variety of independent artists affiliated with the Lights And Lines label.

Available on Bandcamp HERE.

Letters To Sonny Vol.1 is our first charity compilation album, featuring 19 tracks by a variety of independent artists affiliated with the Lights And Lines label.

This compilation is in 2 parts, going with a similar theme to the New Music Saturday podcast with the first half made up of more guitar based music, and the 2nd half taking us down the rabbit hole into the less traditional side of the independent music scene.

A message from Mike:

Many who follow me on Twitter (@Mike1inFive) will know that my youngest boy, Sonny, was diagnosed with Epilepsy earlier this year at just 8 months old. This release is intended to raise some money for Young Epilepsy, a UK based charity who support young people with epilepsy and their parents.

Watching my young baby helplessly have a seizure and not knowing what's going on or how to help is a memory that will never leave me. This happened several times over a number of weeks until he was diagnosed and given medication.

We have been lucky in that Sonny was diagnosed reasonably quickly and now has regular medication to prevent further seizures. Some people never reach that point, and we are grateful to be where we are. It's not always been easy - the first meds we tried gave him insomnia which wasn't ideal! But currently things are going well and, for now at least, Sonny is back on track.

We know however that because of his age (16 months at the time of writing) things will continue to change. We'll need to monitor and adjust his medication as he grows and there will no doubt be lots of ups and downs along the way.

Thankfully for all Sonny is also an extremely happy little chap, filled with energy, confidence, his Father's trademark stubbornness, and a wonderful sense of humour. I have no doubt that with the right support he'll take everything in his stride.

The team at Young Epilepsy work tirelessly to support children and parents who find themselves in similar situations. We've already had some help from them to understand things at the beginning of our journey, and I expect we will need them again in the future. I want to give them something back, and this is my way of doing that with half of the money from sales of this compilation being given to Young Epilepsy.

Almost all of the tracks on this album are unreleased at the time of publishing, and many will never be released anywhere else. We've been really lucky to have so many amazing tracks submitted, and it was really difficult to choose which ones to include.

A huge thank you goes out to all of the bands who let us use their music for this special collection. Pease look them up and check out their back catalogues, there are hidden gems everywhere!

Thank you so much for reading, and more importantly for listening and supporting everything we've done so far in our first year as a proper label. We hope you are able to support this amazing cause, and in return I'm sure you'll love this unique collection.

Happy holidays!

Mike Five

Label Manager

Lights And Lines


Lights And Lines will give Young Epilepsy our donation each month via their website here - The registered Charity number is 311877 (England and Wales).

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