Mike Five (Lights And Lines)

2 min

It's time we talked about prizes!

Over 50 artists signed up for our #AlbumWritingClub which means music lovers everywhere could benefit from having 50+ brand new albums and EPs to listen to at some point in the near future!

So with all this in mind we thought we better share what's up for grabs for the winners...

Here's breakdown of all 3 of the amazing prizes up for grabs in this years amazing songwriting exposé.

1st prize

Most people know about this now as it’s in the FAQ - we’re offering a record deal. We’ll put the winning album out on Lights And Lines digitally and as a limited edition CD run (if it’s super popular maybe we’ll print more!)

This is an awesome prize, who doesn't want a cool indie label to put their record out!?

The winner of this prize is chosen by us. It’s a completely subjective decision and we know that, but the reality is if we're going to sell something we have to LOVE it so it has to be us that chooses the winner really, that’s the deal!

2nd Prize

A full album playthrough on the soon to be launched Sunshine Music iRadio station! This will be a full show available as a podcast afterwards where the hosts play the album in full and talk about the tracks.

Sunshine Music iRadio are also joining us throughout May as one of our mentors on the programme, available in the forums to answer questions, support and provide feedback.

We're big fans of these guys, we’ve spoken a lot for 6 months or so now and their philosophy around supporting independent music is very aligned to ours. Listen out for announcements coming soon about the station launch, it’s going to be good!

The winner of this prize chosen by us and the other mentors on the programme. We'll all pick favourites and see if there's a front runner. If not we'll be arguing about it for a while until we agree!

3rd Prize

A PR campaign for a single track. Artists will be asked to pick their best track from the finished album and we’ll put it to a public vote, the song the fans love the most gets a full PR campaign from us.

This means we’ll put the track out to very radio station and press outlet we have on our contacts list (over 500 at the time of writing) with a full press release including info about the comp, the artist, and the track.

We are actually going to spend some money on this so lets hope the public picks an absolute banger!




